Maps available in Paper and Digital formats (AutoCAD DWG, PDF, tiff)
Suitable for Planning Application submissions to Councils and Local Authorities.
Suitable for submissions to the Property Registration Authority (PRAI)
Suitable for a broad spectrum of Planning, Legal, Agricultural, Construction, and Engineering applications.
Historic Maps dating from 1829 - 1950's available for your area of interest. Aerial imagery available from 1995 - Present.
Rights of Way, Residential Zoned Land Tax (RZLT), grants, ESB, Irish Water, foreshore licence, hemp licence, herd number, farming, legal and many more.
Extracts from the Discovery series. Feature-rich maps which show detailed landscape information, like rivers, lakes, contours and many townland names.
To place an order or if you have any questions at all please contact us via email, phone or call into our shop and one of the team will be delighted to help you.
We are open to walk-in customers and can print maps while you wait. There is no need to make an appointment.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 051 858 636
The Map Centre is directly connected to the OSI online mapping database, ensuring our customers receive the most up to date OSI mapping available.
Established in Waterford for over 20 years, The Map Centre has a team of experienced staff available to offer advice and produce mapping suited to your needs.
Phone: 051 858 636
Email: [email protected]
Address: Burchall House,
Parnell Street, Waterford, X91 V24Y
Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-5pm (closed for lunch 12:30pm-1:30pm)